Month: June 2023

bird art

This is my art it is a Pukeko do you like? it I hope you like it it took a long time to do it.

What I yous to do it I yous  pieces of paper and glitter and a picture and glue stick and a pencil .

and also


template we yous cutting skills.Glued colour dyed the background ferns and this is and these are the other  picture  Kakapo Tui Pukeko Kea keruru


Arbor day

On Tuesday the 13th, we planted a tree. And we needed a pot a plant,  compost and a weed and  we had to put the compost half way and then we put the tree in and then we hat to put the weed mat and we had to put some more compost and make shore sprinkle the compost over the weed mat.

About Abor day Abor day is important because it give the birds a home

Abor day is  important because trees Suck up carbon dioxide.

and they are important because they grow food.
