bourbal art week 7

on week 6 and 7 I did bourbal art and how you make is is you have to make a perfect circle and then grab a black peace of paper and  fold it in half and then you have to make tree branches with leaves and the cut out the bourbals and then stick it on the branches and then you are done. I hope you enjoined making your own bourbal art.

Football In Kaiawhina Groups

Hi on week 5 to week 7 Sharon’s kaiawhina group did football  and I could not do  football because I have a sprained shoulder and it was a risk to try and I took the Photo’s and every one did grate so good job to them and the days that we did it was on Tuesday and a Wednesday I hope next time I can do it, How the rest of Sharon’s kaiawhina group learned the skills was in some games and the people that came to teach us was Lotty and Lisa.

CRT: Neographic Art

Hi on Wednesday the 13th I did art and things that I love about the art that it was calm and silence that is why I enjoyed it and what we had to do was do some out lining like how I did and then put some water colours and put water in it  and then that is how you make  Neographic art.

how to keep your self safe

Who – year sixes and Constable Jeff in TWM

What – keeping yourself safe

When – 17 September

Where – big break out room in TWM

Why – to learn how to keep yourself safe


I learnt (5 bullet points)

  1. That there are too locks on the taser gun
  • . that the vest is very heavy 
  1. Vest has a shield
  2. Sexual abuse is really bad 
  3. And you say STOP and GO AWAY then you walk away


I asked lots of questions and shared what I knew.


How to Make a Printing Tile

For Monday mashup I designed my own tiles.

1. I designed my ideas piece of paper.

2. I grabbed 4 peaces of the tiles.

3. I designed my ideas on the tiles.

4. I traced the idea on the tiles and linked the doting together.

5. Now you are ready to put ink on the the tiles and print!


here is mine.


Canterbury Cricket

On Wednesday 21st of august we went to  the Canterbury cricket. There was 3 school’s New Brighton catholic school, South Brighton school and Rawhiti school I had to walk there but it was lucky that we are close to the Rawhiti Doman I tipped over and got hurt but when we got there we got in to groups I was so excited to play but my most favourite part was bating because we got to hit a ball and we got to get prizes but I was not one of them sadly.

What is your favourite sport?



Pixel Art

For the cibersmart challenge we had to create a pitcher out of  pixel art how I got the colours I had to go and used letters to do the colours on the squares which made it quicker  so this is my pitcher it is the sun set at the beach.